Thread: Gabby's
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Old 03-24-2007, 02:16 PM
LaVonne LaVonne is offline
Formerly known as CareyM

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Originally Posted by Margies3 View Post
Oh ya, I'm sure you are VERY normal as a mom. What's NOT normal is the behavior of these teenage boys. I can't wait for their hormones to settle down. Good heavens, if they don't slow down soon, I'm not sure any of us will survive. I'm thinking you'll be reading about us in the paper someday!

I understand when you say how close you are to your grandparents. That's how I was with my Mom's parents. I was the oldest and only grandchild for several years, so I was more like their last child than like their first grandchild. When I was a baby, I'm told that I was very fussy and the only place I would sleep through the night was laying across my grandma's chest. So I spent many, many nights with them. Grandpa died when I was 14 and Grandma when I was 31. It truly broke my heart to lose them.

Spend what time you can with them now while you are still there near them. If you can't be there after he passes, don't beat yourself up over it. The time you spend with HIM is always going to be more important than the time you would spend with his body at his funeral. Tell him now how much you love him. Share with him now that God loves him and that you want to spend eternity with him. Once you've done that, it's up to him. It's between him and God. And in the meantime, Lord, speak to his heart. Make him hungry for you.
Thanks Margie...they truely are very special to me! Grandma and Grandpa's house (The Farm) has always been a haven for me...a safe place. They've always been there for me and losing them will be extemely painful. Thank you for the prayer and I'll most definitly try to see them once more before we leave. Grandpa does not even know he's dying...The oldest daughter plans to tell them on Tuesday when he has a doctor's appt. So, I'll wait until after Tuesday...he'll better understand.
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