Thread: Gabby's
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Old 03-23-2007, 08:40 AM
LaVonne LaVonne is offline
Formerly known as CareyM

Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Oregon
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Originally Posted by Theresa View Post
am I the only weird one here that wont go get a professional pedicure done b/c you are ashamed to let another human touch/see your feet? I do my own feet and they arent a 1/10th of that picture so it's not too bad...but a few days of sandals or going barefoot outside..and I'd love to have them done...but the asian folks, well I'm just sure they are chattering away about this nasty americans feet...

so I dont go LOL!!!
You are hilarious Theresa!

I don't go because of my feet...I went once and the lady wanted to know what happened to them and it ended up being a pretty long converstation...I really don't want to have to go through that all the time. So, I do the best I can at home.
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