Thread: Gabby's
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Old 03-22-2007, 01:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Theresa View Post
am I the only weird one here that wont go get a professional pedicure done b/c you are ashamed to let another human touch/see your feet? I do my own feet and they arent a 1/10th of that picture so it's not too bad...but a few days of sandals or going barefoot outside..and I'd love to have them done...but the asian folks, well I'm just sure they are chattering away about this nasty americans feet...

so I dont go LOL!!!
I used to be like that!! Finally, I just decided to bite the bullet and do it and I have been hooked ever since!! It is soooo worth it if you can get past them seeing your feet. You jsut sit there for like 30-45 minutes being pampered!!! And if you go to the right place you get in a messaging chair, I am usually so relaxed and ready to sleep when I leave there. Plus your feet feel so clean and soft feeling. And it really lasts longer than you would think especially if you keep them well conditioned at home on a regular basis.
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