Originally Posted by StMark
Yes Ferd,
When the standard goes, the doctrine always changes. what concerns me the most is, most who have left progress to the point where the baptism of the holy ghost is almost non exisitent and I'm NOT going to take that back. I know many who are more "evangelical" in their belief system then even "spirit filled charismatic".
Even more frieghtening are the types that have even "evolved" into what we now see in people like Reba Rambo and carlton Pearson. Many are starting to go in that direction - some with whom I wont even say the names here on the forum
and frankly, this is what worries me about change.
Mark a couple of years ago, i sat at a table with a family I used to go to church with. they were very much doctrinally sound. the parents decided they didnt like standards and left. they went to a former UPCI guys BIG church that you would know here in Dallas.
As we sat talking, it was clear THEY at lest still believe in the Oneness doctrine, at least that it is "more right" than the trinitarian view. their 18 year old daughter was simply lost in the discussion. she didnt understand there was any difference.
Her view was that "being a Christian" was all that was important. She was dating a guy that "belived in Jesus" and honestly didnt care one bit that he didnt go to church at all.
there is absolutly a progression away from doctrine that is connected to dropping standards.
I think some are fine with that. I for one am not.