Originally Posted by vrblackwell
People, the biggest decision the next president will make is the appointment of one, possibly two supreme court justices. McCain is not a true conservative and I disagree with him on many issues. However, he has stood strong against abortion and will appoint strong conservative justices in the order of Scalia and Roberts.
This issue alone should make you go out in November, hold your nose and pull the lever for John McCain.
McCain could appoint a conservative justice in the order of Scalia and Roberts and guess what….nothing’s going to change in regards to abortion. But I assure you that corporate power will increase. Someday corporations might get the right to fire you if you place a political yard sign in your yard that they don’t like. They already have the right to fire employees for smoking in their own homes. If I worked for one of those companies…I’d buy a nice pipe and some mild cherry tobacco and then relax with a fine smoke on Friday nights after dinner. LOL
Study up on "corporate personhood" and how corporations are pressing to have more rights than you and I do.