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Old 05-19-2008, 12:51 AM
NW Pastor NW Pastor is offline
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Re: WWPF General Council Question

Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
I agree with your post responding to mine. However I think it would have been a very unhealthy situation for men who feel so strongly that the UPC is not the "preferred" Apostolic future that they carved out another fellowship
to have tried to chart that preferred future while still trying to remain members of the "unpreferred" Apostolic future.

A man cannot serve two masters and despite the best of intentions these two org.'s have very different perspectives. I have a hard time believing someone who would find the WWPF attractive would be anything but unhappy and disgruntled in the UPC and probably would not be a supportive member.

The UPC has had enough disunity the last few years with these ultra cons boycotting official meetings to hold their own and griping about everything under the sun. They should just make the break for their preferred future despite any emotional or historical attachments.

Amen, brother!

Like our dearly beloved brother, the late Louis L'amour, once said, "Ridin' the fence can give a man a mighty sore crotch."

Preach it, brother Louis!
Never Waver
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