Originally Posted by Sept5SavedTeen
You know, biggotted statements like that... I'm a Biblical Christian, I am not "denominational" and if I were I wouldn't believe only my denomination will be saved. I'm independent and I believe Apostolics from many different denominations will be saved. The only people I'm not sure about being saved will be Apostolics who were "one-steppers" and who went around preaching that and decieving people. If you're a one-stepper though, and just a bit unsure and your not hindering souls from obeying Acts 2:38 thru that false doctrine, then I believe there's hope for you. If your "Apostolic" though and telling trinitarians, "Oh you're fine just where you are..." Either you'll be punished in some way or lost, GOD will not let you get by on that. Btw, I had the oppurtunity to share the Gospel today with a girl who's Catholic- I'm believing she'll be baptized in the near future!
Bro. Alex
Bro Alex, could you give supporting scripture that will actually support your ideas? I do know that neither you or I are God so neither of us has the power to say whom is saved and whom is not. What we can do is line it up with scripture and if it matches then we are fine. But what we can not do is twist scripture to mean and say what we want it to say and mean. All in context my brother. Gotta be used in context and I am affraid that most of the so called anti-trinitarian scriptures are taken out of context. I believe that the oneness is the closest to being Biblically correct, but NO one here has all the answers and to act like we do it foolish. I am a 1-stepper more or less and I in no way preach or teach false doctrine and when you say we will be punished or lost that is just a clear sign that you are stepping into God's shoes....how do they fit? By the way none of us 1-steppers are sitting here saying you are leading people to hell cause you breed judmentalism or elitism. No one is saying that you breed cookie cutter christians that sometimes are as deep as a table spoon of water. We are not sitting saying that you all make people live their spiritual lives between themselves, God and the pastor. We are not saying that....