Thread: Gabby's
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Old 04-18-2008, 05:04 PM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Re: Gabby's

Originally Posted by dizzyde View Post
WOW, your son is 6'5 and still growing??? He is gonna be a big old boy! I notice he is holding a basketball, that seems appropriate!! He is looker, AG!
Thanks He always wanted to play football and had started to when he was in public school. He went to our church school and we do not have a football team. He also had asthma until being healed of it this past winter. So sports didnt happen much. He started at the school in November as the basketball team mgr. because he couldnt play. He ended up playing in the finals since his dr declared his asthma totally gone and doing very well. He loves it and plans to be an active part of the team next school year!

As for him being a looker. Yep I agree but I just wish he would get him a girlfriend here and be done with all these long distance relationships he seems to always be in... His last girlfriend they met at youth camp in Oklahoma... and were together for 2 yrs and then she got out of church and he decided she just wasnt right for him.... then gets him another girlfriend at Tx HYC... who lives nearly half a country away! LOL... He said sorry mom... I keep forgetting Tx is such a big state LOL

Oh forgot to add... his real dad is 6 ft 10 so the poor kid didnt have a chance!
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