Originally Posted by gloryseeker
I don't want a theocratic government, I would just like Christians to hold the offices and keep some integrity while doing it.
The reason we have abortion on demand is because of separation of church and state.
The reason gay marriage is on the horizon is because of the separation of church and state
I believe in freedom of religion...but this great country was founded upon the principles of the Word of God and the "church" was very much involved in the formation of the "state."
It's Christians fault that our we have a speaker of the house such as Nancy Pelosi and other such representatives in high places who are ungodly beyond belief.
Go to D.C. and look at all the "church" items that are represented in our historical sites. Look at our founding documents and see all of the "church" language that is incorporated into them.
The "church" involved in the formation of the state?! Which Founding Father was a One-GOD, JESUS' name baptized, HG filled believer?
The trinitarians (along with some unitarians and deists) formed the US. The Catholics formed various states in Europe, the Lutherans and Catholics formed Germany and the Anglicans formed England...
Bro. Alex