Thread: Gabby's
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Old 03-17-2007, 08:48 AM
LaVonne LaVonne is offline
Formerly known as CareyM

Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Oregon
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Originally Posted by myhaloisintheshop View Post
Afternoon everyone! I woke up with a nasty cold. I can be such a baby with colds. If I am sick I want to sleep it off--with most of my colds they keep me awake and I hate that!

God is moving in my family. My husband and I had some talks about church and his feelings on situations concerning us moving here. I prayed that God would give me wisdom on what to say to my husband to soften his heart.

Instead God gave me some dreams and I shared them with him. They didn't mean much to me---I didn't "get" them. My husband got it

He scheduled a meeting with pastor last night and talked through some stuff.

God put us here and although it isn't our ideal situation and not what we would have chosen--God has a purpose. So if it means living in a house that isn't at all wonderful in a community that is in dire need of *something* then so be it.
God is Good! I'm glad things are looking up. You know, just last week I asked God to fight for us...He did for the children of Israel in the OT, why not us now?! WEll, He did fight for us...isn't God Awesome!!!
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