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Old 03-16-2007, 04:23 PM
OGIA OGIA is offline

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Location: Shreveport, LA
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Originally Posted by tbpew View Post
I just do not see the foolishness of those who continue in the base works of the flesh as being all that threatening to the well-being of the assembly.
Not sure what "base works of the flesh" are? As I answered earlier, I'm talking about those in known sin, things such as rebellion to the pastor, adultery, fornication, lying, stealing, murmuring (beyond your typical gossip), etc. Paul lists a whole lot of them, as you know, in many letters. I believe that these are the sins that left unconfronted in a scriptural manner cause great damage to a local assembly. And, I truly don't think we know how much damage, because the action is never taken that is granted by the Lord that would rid the assembly of that person or persons.

It's the folks who scheme to bring accussation between the brethren that are crafty and subtil using good words and fair speeches.
I guess I'd just put them right there in the group above. I really don't see how one is worse than the other, and I'd guess it depends on the circumstance as to how disruptive it is.

What is the lifestyle you are seeing (or imagining) is getting a "pass" in our modern assemblies?
Mostly rebellion to the pastor, but other things that seem minor, like gossiping (leading to people leaving, but it's just the wrong ones who leave!) and lying. No, it's not everyday or prevalent, and it eventually "goes away". I just wonder how much more effective the scriptural process is than the man-made "bury your head" (tolerate?) method.
  • And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one. [Zechariah 14:9]

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