Thread: Gabby's
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Old 03-31-2008, 01:03 PM
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QueenEsther QueenEsther is offline
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Re: Gabby's

Hey Ladies!! How is everyone? I'm not around much anymore but since I am on here today i suppose I could share with you guys a few things that have been happening in my life!

First of all my husband got a second part-time job at our local hospital - it is good due to our finances but it will add stress due to his lack of time with the family.

Secondly, I had posted quite awhile back that I would be getting a job promotion at work - well that didn't happen like we had hoped but there was still a chance for me to get it but my boss came to me today and said that they were giving her the Dean of Students position in addition to her current workload and that the current secretary for the Dean of Students is retiring in May so they will be rehiring for that position and that she wanted me to apply for it IF I wanted to. It is 3 levels higher than mine and will be MUCH better pay!!!!!!!!!!! Of course I do!!!!!!!!! So, I am pumped about that.

And last but NOT LEAST, we received $1000.00 unexpectedly last week it was such a blessing from God and it amazes me to see how God works, we received the check on Friday - we had been stressing about how we were going to pay a few bills and then we received the check from someone who felt like God had laid it upon their heart to help us financially! Then on Saturday morning, our brakes line busted on our car and if it weren't for that check we would not have been able to get it fixed right now and would be with out a car!!!!!!!!!!

God is SO amazing and he has been pouring out his blessings to us here lately! It is awesome!
The Will Of God Will Never Take You
Where The Grace Of God Will Not Protect You
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