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Old 03-28-2008, 09:37 PM
jaxfam6 jaxfam6 is offline
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Re: AMF/Tulsa: the result of "tradition of men"

I do not remember the start of the AMF I was simply raised around it all my life. What I can say though is that I do remember my dad fellowshipped with men in several organizations until several stopped fellowship because of his connection with the AMF. At that time is was only a fellowship of many brethren from different groups. When other groups refused to be part of it or threatened the ministers that were in fellowship with the AMF then several refused to be bullied into non-fellowship and they all needed a place and that is when it stepped up from being a fellowship and they turned it into a fulfleged organization. I do know that even thought they held a tighter ship they still allowed men to fellowship with whomever they wanted to. I know we had men from the UPC and the ALJC who were much more liveral than we were in at our church to preach. I also know that as time went by that happened less and less for whatever reason.

I do not know the reason behind the Tulsa/WWPF (don't even know if that is right) and not sure I care to know. I think it would have to be more than just the use of TV though. I find it hard to believe that TV was the only thing that caused this and I also find it hard to believe it is impromptu. They say you don't backslide over night, well I say you don't leave you affiliation overnight either.

Just my thoughts.
Life is .............

I'll get back to you when I figure it out.
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