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Old 03-28-2008, 07:09 PM
Hisdaughter Hisdaughter is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: California
Posts: 11
Re: New Member joined today - Looking for a church

Thank you to all who responded, I appreciate the prayers and words of advise.

I have had about three people tell me of the Northpoint church in escondido. Long beach is too far.

When you have teens, its important to be able to drive to all the activites/services )

Does anyone know if this church preaches on or believes that those who dont follow the standards are not right with God?

I believe in modesty, and I dress in skirts and dresses at church, my children do too. Though my husband and son have a mustache.

My son is so funny, he just turned 16, and we have been talking about it and have agreed that if the Lord leads us to be a part of a standards believing church we would follow, but we dont believe God requires it.

My son said jokingly that they will note his mustach and gotee and say "facial hair in isle 7"... maybe Im the only one that thinks he is funny.

they are good kids, servants and active. We homeschool and the Lord has really turned us around.

the Lord saved me and my husband from drugs and alcohol abuse, and has just washed us clean. He teaches us every day... and we just want a church where we can be encouraged and fellowship with others at camps ect for the teens.

We miss those things, we miss alter calls where the spirit of God delivers and sets free, we see those things at other churches...

And we want to bring our visitors to that...

I dont want to be rebellious or criticle, really we arent, I dont think...

we just want more, maybe we are mistaken.... were praying about it.... we know no church is perfect.... but we feel so isolated... are most churches isolated?

Its been our first church.... weve been there for 7 years. 7 years ago we were addicted to meth and more... but that was another person, doesnt even feel like it was us. He has done so much for us... we are so thankful....

most wouldnt even know those things because He has changed us so...

Our pastor has been very nice to us.... we have loved him all these years and wouldnt want to hurt his feelings, and we would miss everyone from our church, because they DO NOT fellowship with those that are not in their church, and certainly not someone who leaves their church.... its sad really for us and for the kids, a little scary.. but we are not alone,He is right by our side )

thanks again,

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