Originally Posted by CC1
For some the sleeves and skirts might be debatable but they believe that long uncut hair on women is an absolute. That is how they believe the scripture reads so in their paradigm God is not going to go against his word and condone something different.
This is very true. There are people I know that cut their hair and are still uncomfortable about doing that. It's a hard passage.
I believe that
I Cor 11 is going over some cultural issues, but the principles taught are still something we can grasp.
In the same chapter the Corinthian church is being corrected on how they have been conducting themselves during the Lord's supper. It seems they have taken some practices from the pagans. A cultural issue, yet the principle is "do this in remembrance of me".
Same with the hair, "For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither, was the man created for the woman; but the woman of the man" is the principle.