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Old 02-29-2008, 07:07 PM
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Re: From The General Board!

Originally Posted by Brother Price View Post
I want to explain something, if I seem rigid...

Recently, since all that has happened to me, I have found a safe place in Christ. Yes, where I am is a safe place, a covered tank on this journey I am on. Through the portals, I see individuals being damaged and destroyed by religion and judgmentalism, the works of man. If I am rambling, please, bear with me...

I have watched aborted children never come into the Lord because of religion deeming them unworthy. I have seen individuals see the abused, and blame the abused for being abused. I have watched saints with genuine gifts become crushed under the heavy weight of self-righteous judges who think they are the judge, and not the Lord. I have watched it all, from the portals of my safe place, and I wept.

Now, we have entire orgs determining who should and who should not be, on the basis of an alphabet game. This is upsetting to me, and I just feel as if I should say something, even if it seems harsh. It is not meant to be harsh, but when I see blood on the streets and the open wounds long enough, I say enough, and I want to do something about it. And that is what I will do. I will endeavor to be as humble and as loving as I can, and hope it continues to show. But, I must speak out against this serious religious toxicity that is poisoning our churches.

If I am wrong, allow the Lord to correct me. Pray for me. If you feel I am wrong, then show me as well. But, understand that all I do now, and will continue to do, will be in love and for Him who saved me.

Encore, Encore, Encore!!!!!!!! I think I smell an Emmy, maybe a Grammy!!! (sniff,,,,sniff) Naa ...just ..Moons over my Hammy....

Sorry dude , not meaning to be harsh.. Yeah there are some zealot idiots (ughum...) Idealogs out there...are they in every church....NO.....are they representive of the whole org.......NO

I you look out your little portal window there from your little safe tank and you keep seeing all this doom and gloom....well I have a little tip for ya.....

Quit driving up and down the same street!!!!!

Get outa town dude........otherwise ,...spare me the sob story...grab up as many as you can and go to the next town...

Now here is one for ya......why preach your "revelations" here???

Are you trying to say that some here are like those terrible people you see through your portal??? Don't guess you would care to name them???

If none here then wouldn't you be preaching to the choir?? Hmmmm....

You can't reach the world with your talents. People are sick and tired of religious talents. People need a Holy Ghost annointed church with real fruits to reach out and touch their lives. ~ Pastor Burrell Crabtree

In fact I think that the insinuation of "hateful" Pentecostals is coming mostly from the fertile imaginations of bitter, backslidden ex Apostolics who are constantly trying to find a way to justify their actions. ~ strait shooter
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