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Old 02-24-2008, 06:35 PM
robert robert is offline

Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 113
Re: Old way of Holiness Standard do we need to kee

Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
Which "Old Ways" do we keep? The "Old Ways" which started in the 1940's and 50's? Or the "Old Ways" that started 2000 years ago?

For most people the "Old Ways" officially start at the time of their oldest known relative such as grandparents or great grand parents and in addition are heavily influenced by the town and neighborhood they grew up in.
Apparently you want to change things to suit your preference of standards. Or do you have any standards. How far would one go and still be holy. You must have an opinion since you are challenging what has been accepted for the last 50 years. You could write an instruction book. "Holiness standards according to Randy Wayne", or "Why, Holiness standards should be different in this day and age". Excuse my sarcasm...but did I detect some sarcasm in YOUR quote. 50 years ago every religion had a standard of holiness they lived by, it's not the fad to have rules or standards any more, but thank God some still have moral convictions and standards or where would this world be.
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