Thread: AFF: A Summary
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Old 02-14-2008, 06:06 PM
OP_Carl OP_Carl is offline
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Re: AFF: A Summary

Originally Posted by Pastor Poster View Post
Then, of course, there are those individuals who don't believe anything in the Bible is meant to guide or instruct. Instead they believe that the words written there are suggestions.

They castigate and condemn literalists and fundamentalists as "three-steppers" and "legalists."

You should know that this group loves AFF because it gives them a platform to release years of pent-up frustration on "THE MAN." You know, sort of a bully-puplit? These folks have the whole RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE thing going on.

I have concluded that we need to pray for these folks. We should pray that they find a new love for the literalism of God's Word. That they find an dictionary, look up the word "submission", and decide that they like the ideals that submission employs.
A delightfully witty summary . . . even if you are wrong about just about everything!

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