Thread: AFF: A Summary
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Old 02-14-2008, 11:16 AM
Nahum Nahum is offline
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Re: AFF: A Summary

We also have a third group of posters who are neither rabidly conservative or looney-tune liberal.

These are the moderates, and this group is the best and most important social sect of AFF. In short, the moderates are right. For further evidence view the writings of Ferd, RevDWW, revrandy and sometimes even Steven Hoover.

Moderates are the posters who stay here when the two extremes leave because they can't stand each other any longer.

Moderates are Biblical literalists, but they do not believe that religious leaders have the right to impose extraBiblical junk on Pentecostal adherants.

You newbies need to scoot closer to the moderates. They're "ones to ride the river with."
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