Originally Posted by QueenEsther
It is always so amazing to me to see God work. Sometimes the smallest things happen and we don't know why until later down the road. As most of you know I have been looking for a different job or position for awhile then I started praying for God to help me to love my job, and he did!!! Then there was a postion here at work that I really really really wanted and didn't get and I was kinda upset over but I got over it - as a result of that being filled with someone here from another office there was then another position open that was actually offered to me......I decided not to, I just didn't feel right about that one. Wasn't sure why but I just had a weird feeling. Then a couple of months ago my boss told me that I would be switching postions and it would be a higher level with a little more pay. I was rejoicing and thanking God but I was nervous about who my new boss would be because they were hiring someone from the outside for the position I would be under. Then today they announced that they had decided to just pull a guy from another department to take the position. It's crazy but in December I had hardly ever spoken to this man before and I was thrown on a project with him for a month in a half and we hit it off great and I really enjoyed working for him and he praised me highly to my current boss about my work!! I truly believe that God allowed us to work together then so that now we would pair up and work well together from the very beginning!!!!! I am so relieved! I just pray that he is understanding on family matters and church issues because my family and my church come before my job and my current boss has no problems with that. But if God put me with him then I know everything will be fine. 
You are right its those little details that He takes time for that just amaze me....shows us how much He reallly really loves us! I am so happy for you QE I know you have been going trough it for some time about your job!!!