02-06-2008, 11:28 AM
Re: Gabby's
Originally Posted by He's My Friend
Good Morning..
I hope all is well with everyone, and that you had a great weekend ?
We were so blessed with 2 great services this weekend !
I am very thankful for a good pastor, and his wife is such a kind, loving person.
I am so touched by her....it seems they have been going through the fire, (before we started attending) and it seems she has been so hurt...but I can tell God is bringing comfort to her, yet I am so touched that she is afraid she will offend us in some way.
We are not hard to get along with, and are not easily offended, but I can tell she is just so afraid they will hurt us in some way. (kind of makes me sad for her)
They have been pastoring about 3 yrs.
The first year was in a store front, then they purchased a church, and have been there 2 years.
The attendance is approx 65 +.....
They were on my mind, I guess that's why I mentioned them.
The pastor was so kind to my husband, when he came in for 2wks from Iraq.
It seems that they just clicked.
Oh well...you can see my thoughts are with them this morning.
It is still 55 degrees here, and 1:40 am.
It feels like spring.
I hope to hear good things from everyone today.
Everyone, have a great and blessed Monday !
Send some of that warm weather my way will you please....its just wet and cold here, I am hoping for spring...but I know its a ways off yet....