Originally Posted by Blubayou
Hello everyone- I have not had time to post too much on the thread lately. Just been busy doing stuff! Yesterday my husband and I went to have a picture taken. That is what I wanted for my birthday. We have not had a picture taken professionally in several years, and I just thought it was time to do it. We went to a park locally and met a photographer and she took some out of doors. She spent most of the time talking about how hard it was to begin dating again- she was newly divorced. She said she had recently tried Internet dating - talked with a guy on the phone for hours - decided to meet him for lunch and he looked like a mafia reject!!!!!! She said after the date she went home and deleted her profile on the site. She kept us entertained with the stories- so posing for pictures was not too painful. I am not one that likes to take pictures that much- The camera does not lie!!!! But I thought it would be nice to have a couple of updated pictures.
Today, I am cleaning house and then I have to clean the freezer out. It has gotten to the place where I am not sure what is in there! So it is time to take everything out and rearrange it. So my day will be busy!
I hope all is well with my Gabby friends. God is good and faithful! I think that is the blessing from God that I really am the most thankful for- That you can depend on God no matter what the situation and circumstance- He is FAITHFUL to his children. Bless you all-
LOL! I hate taking pictures. My face always look fat for some reason. LOL I don't know why!