Originally Posted by Jeanie
Are you feeling better today??? Did you get a chance to go to the ladies meeting???
Having little one can be a struggle sometimes I know, for me one struggle is sleep! I can only take a nap if David does--(sometimes I get some help with him but not always)
IDK I hate being tired! I hope you are doing better today and that you had a wonderful birthday 
Thanks for the reply!

I actually did not get to go.......we went to Walmart right after work to get our groceries and stuff and we ended up running into my husband cousin who we haven't talked to in a few years and we talked to him for like 45 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But it was worth it becuase he is supposed to come to church - him and his mom have been looking for a church and they have always loved my husband and my MIL so, I think the Lord may have allowed that little meeting to take place. I do feel somewhat better today - lots going on here at work, I got some good news about my job which I will post about later - and tonight we have church, hopefully I can leave Ariel in the nursery or something. We'll see. If she isn't better by tomorrow I think I am going to have to take her to the doctor.