02-03-2008, 08:29 AM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 4,300
Re: Concerning Tulsa, could sombody please answer
Originally Posted by bishoph
Your too funny......lol.
Not so sure it is a knock out punch!
The truth is, there are times that TV advertising works, (Your church is a good example) this is not, however, the statistical norm. Again this is not my opinion, it is soundly based on the research of respected church growth analysts such as Barna and company. (His research indicates that less than 1% of people attending any kind of religious institution are there directly or indirectly from TV.) We can all find someone that it works for, however, you cannot build a case on a very small sampling of churches, you must use the law of averages wisely.
For every 1 church you can find that it works for, the research/statistics will show 10 that it did not work for. Incidentally, advertising for a business does have a completely different set of statistics. I do not know if there have been any correlation studies done to see why it is effective for businesses and not for churches.
Please give me Barna's stats on how many come in cuz they preach against watches????