Originally Posted by stmatthew
The funny thing is, the only spirit I have seen coming from the Tulsa deal IS one of men that simply feel they must follow their convictions and separate, because to do otherwise could ........ the future generation. The Ugly Spirit seems, for the most part, to be coming from those that venomously judge them to hell for following those convictions.
Hell? I don't remember seeing THAT word thrown around.
At any rate, I too would say that to "venomously judge them to hell for following convitions," is indeed an ugly spirit. That should not be so.
Be that it as it may, someone needs to tell the truth and start preaching the Word of God if they are SOOOOOOO much under conviction, rather than acting like Apostolic Infants that insist on THEIR way, or else...
If the future generation is damned it will not be because the T6 did not separate...gracious! If the future generations are damned, it will be because they did not preach the good Word of God that is impregnated with LIFE...eternal LIFE.
They don't need to be SPLITING, they need to take up the weapons of their warfare which are NOT CARNAL such as spliting, busting up, and acting like religious juveniles.
I got a plan! LIFT UP JESUS. There's something about that that will draw the whole world to Him. He is the answer to every human woe. Splitting up is NOT the answer to human malaise. The Word of God and lifting up JESUS rather than SELF...just plain old stinking, carnal SELF displayed by this charade is NOT the answer.