Thread: Gabby's
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Old 01-29-2008, 12:40 PM
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Re: Gabby's

Hello Ladies- Got back from Prayer meeting and ate lunch and just thought I would check in. We had an awesome prayer meeting. One Lady got the Holy Ghost, several were prayed for for healing and several had victory reports. We had our annual 7 day fast and healing service a couple of weeks ago. We have had 5 documented healings from that service. One little boy ( 5 or 6 years old) was blind in one eye. After he was prayed for he told his mother he could see out of that eye. She has taken him to the doctor and the doctor confirm end he had sight in that eye. There was a wonderful victorious spirit at the prayer meeting. Our pastor's wife talked to us about giving God control of the things in our lives that we are having problems with and then stepping back and letting GOD do the work. As you can see the prayer meeting renewed me! God bless and have a great day!
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