Thread: Gabby's
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Old 01-29-2008, 09:15 AM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Re: Gabby's

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
He would call me, but they are not allowed to have phones where they work. If you get caught with a camera phone - you are fired.

We do love a lot of things the same. I do go fishing with him and camping. We do woodworking together, etc. We don't like the same music - at all. He turns mine off when he gets in my vehicle. lol

He is funny and we joke around a lot, so I hope I'm not making it sound that bad. I have a little business which annoys him, but he'll have to get over that. lol
Hey no you are just normal sounds like to me...we have been married almost 38 years...over half of my and his life! We joke and kid too, we spat, but rarely is it serious...I think my hubby and I have a very good marriage, not perfect by any means, but better than a lot I see out there...we have made it through a lot of hard times when we were young but now we are just so glad we stayed together through the bad stuff so now we are enjoying the calmness and joy of long time relationship!
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