Thread: Gabby's
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Old 01-29-2008, 09:02 AM
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Re: Gabby's

Originally Posted by Sister Truth Seeker View Post
OH dear thankfully my hubby likes those things...he calls me several times a day on his cell, which is great! I love that he calls and shares things with me through the day and I do the same with him...I think we are about the same have a lot of common interests, and love being together. The Harley is part of all that...I love getting on the bike behind him and just letting him have control...and we have signals for when I want to go spend a lot of time together and get along pretty well most of the time...
My hubby knows how to use it all but he doesn't like using it!!! LoL! He likes his computer for listening to stuff and watching stuff and using the Study Bible program but other than that he wants nothing to do with it. He uses his email somewhat but he hates getting online and he hates texting anymore! I text alllll day long and email and surf the web. Lol! We're def opposite!
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