Thread: Gabby's
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Old 01-29-2008, 09:02 AM
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Re: Gabby's

PO - Sounds like you and I are married to the same man!!!!!!!! My husband calls me the gadget queen. I especially love kitchen gadgets, too. My husband hates computers, but I make him go through our banking routine occasionally- So he will know how to do it if anything happens to me. We went shopping together yesterday! This was a rare occasion! But they opened a new Cabala's store near us and he wanted to go look at it. I shopped with him while he looked at guns and then he drove me to a near by shopping center and stayed in the car while I shopped. That is as close as I could get him to shopping. I purchase everything for him except his suits,because he hates to shop. We came home and ordered something over the net from Cabala's ( not a gun). My husband and his son love to collect guns. Well I got to run- a couple of times a month I try to go to Ladies Prayer meeting and I am planning to head there now. I will be praying for yall!
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