Thread: Gabby's
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Old 03-12-2007, 05:33 PM
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Margies3 Margies3 is offline
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[QUOTE=QueenEsther;36814]That's awesome about your testimony!!!!

I will be praying with you regarding your job - I understand completely, I am still praying that something different will open up for me. I have even been dreaming of it lately!!! That's bad!!!!! I knwo there is something God has planned for me so I try to just be patient and wait for him to send me something - if it is from God I know I will be sooooo happy, so it is worth the wait I suppose!!!! Plus 2 of my co-workers have visited my church in the last month - 1 of them returned for the second time last night!!!! So, I guess if I can help lead someone to Christ this job is worth it!!![/QUOTE]

That may be the very reason why you are still at this job. I am convinced that God sees the picture in a different way than we do. And of course, His view is always best

Originally Posted by myhaloisintheshop View Post
We had awesome church last night and I woke up soooo refreshed.

When we got home last night the sweetest thing happened. My 3 year old wanted me to read his little bible to him. Normally we just read a kids bible story or something. But he wanted me to read his bible. So I asked him where we should read and my 8 year old calls from his bedroom "Mom can you and Eric come in here and we can read Luke 19?" Apparently that is what their SS lesson was on yesterday.

So I go in and read it to them and although I know they didn't catch the whole meaning of the chapter it was great that they wanted to hear the Word.
myhalo, that is so neat!! You must be doing a great job as a momma. Good for you.
I had a pastor who used to say to us that if you were the best soul-winner in the church and brought people in by the droves, but your own children went into eternity lost, you needed to step back and re-examine where you were at and wht you were doing. I believe he was completely correct. I understand that we don't ALWAYS have control over what choices our kids make. But we do have control over what we feed into their little hearts when they are young. Agreed?
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !
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