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Old 01-28-2008, 06:28 PM

Posts: n/a
Re: Tulsa Report Day 2

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
I did not call you a "liar" my friend. Your "shacking up" post was questioned earlier by another and when you responded, you did not address the issue. It does not take a "reading between the lines" to draw the inference that I drew. I merely took your post at face value. If there were "complexities" between the lines then you should have either provided details or resisted the urge to smear the UPC.

Steadfast said:
It would appear from past posts... as well as this one... that you don't much like me. Again, the richtor scale on my concern didn't register too much shaking in my frail heart over it.

You seem to have an unreasonably thin skin when it comes to our online friendship, but I'm glad that your heart is good and not subject to Richter scale shakings. I am genuinely saddened to hear that you think that I "don't much like" you. Quite the opposite is the case. You are my brother and not only am I commanded to love you, but I can honestly say that I do - admitedly in that hazy sort of online friendship kind of way, but I think even in person I could call you both a "friend" and a "brother."

Added to that is the fact that you have not read enough of my posts to even discern my gender which leaves me feeling that you are simply jumping to conclusions. I trust that the "sir/madam" was not an insult. My public profile is available but I obviously haven't even registered enough on your radar for you to take a look. No biggie. It just leaves me wondering how you think you could have read my heart.

No harm, no foul.
Just a few points to put the ball back in your court here.

* I didn't see where anybody questioned me about a gay shacking up situation... and, thus, didn't reply to it.

* You seem to think that I smeared the UPC... how? I have NEVER, in all my years of forum posting, taken a shot at the UPC for anything.

* Think skinned? No, just somewhat offended that you would come on a forum and say, "That stuff Steadfast said happened? DIDN'T HAPPEN!" That, by implication, is saying that I lied. You seem a little 'thin skinned' that I didn't look up your profile to address you (there are some incredibly brilliant women who post on here, by the way) but you seem to imply your a man.

"Hey, folks... Pelathais implies he's a man. HE'S NOT!!! Total fabrication! Didn't happen!" Yep, just what I thought. You would think I called you a liar, too.

But, as you say, I'll accept that 'no blood; no foul' defense. However, I would like for you to find that ONE single, solitary instance when I EVER 'smeared' the UPC... on AFF, NFCF, WS or CAF. That search should take you quite a while so I'll go on and finish life while I wait.
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