Thread: Gabby's
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Old 01-24-2008, 12:01 PM
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Blubayou Blubayou is offline
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Hello all - I got a bee in my bonnet today and cleaned out a wet bar room off of the kitchen that has been collecting junk for 6 years!!!!! The piles of junk had worked on my last good nerve so I took action. I have been watching those organizing shows so I followed their tips. I took everything out of the room first - as I took it out I had a Goodwill box, a keep stack and I put things other places as I could. When I started putting things back I tried to organize them in categories. I even got the labeler out and labeled stuff!!!!! Now I have oodles of room in there to start stacking things again!!!!!!! I also have a couple more rooms to organize!!! Yuck!
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