Originally Posted by Sister Truth Seeker
Sounds like a nesting momma to me...how exciting to be getting things fixed up. it feels so good doesn't it?...
I am glad you have lots of help...I am praying for you, and in earnest for your delivery date...God wants you to be healed, it is not His desire that you be sick...take care and get lots of rest...
I have been so busy...and will be still...I have not had a lot of time to be here at my desk...I am thinking of you all, and hoping things are wonderful in your life...
Maybe I will make it back later...my hubby has been home for a long weekend, but has to go back today...so maybe this evening I will make it back....
Take care all...love and blessings....
Well, we sure miss you when you are not around!!!!! But I understand the need to prioritizing!!! I have been doing that alot myself here lately!
It does feel good to finally be getting some things done around our house. My husband sadly is a procrastinator and since I have been pregnant I haven't been up to taking on tasks myself or pushing him to do them. I am just glad he finally is getting with it even if it is near the end, at least it all may be done before he gets started on his outdoor projects which is what he enjoys doing so they are usually first on the list once the weather is nice.

But that is ok, here in Indiana we have longer winters than we do summers - so it feels anyways!