Thread: Gabby's
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Old 01-23-2008, 01:42 PM
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Blubayou Blubayou is offline
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QE- Sounds like you and your family have the winter crud!!!!!!! The media has been saying it is going around. When I taught school I would come down with it several times a year. When I left the classroom and went into administration, I came down with it about every other year. Now that I am home - I have not been sick with it at all- I can tell you from experience- that rest is one of the best things for it- But when we work, you feel like you have to keep going or if you do take off- you feel like you have to rush back - a vicious cycle. Well - I hope hubby gets to feeling better and I am sure the licensing board thing will come out well- But I will be praying for your family.

I had lunch with my good friend yesterday. She is doing very well- her cancer is in remission right now- She is in an experimental treatment program in Houston. So far she has responded very well. She has to be on continual antibiotics, because of a botched stint operation in a lung. If she gets pneumonia one more time she will have to have the lung removed. Her attitude is amazing - She is very upbeat and tries to enjoy life to its fullest - one day at a time. It really makes you count your blessings - Have a great day all-
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