Thread: Gabby's
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Old 03-12-2007, 09:43 AM
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QueenEsther QueenEsther is offline
My two little angels!

Join Date: Feb 2007
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Wow, this thread has been slow moving!!!! What's up? Everybody busy or what? I sure had a BUSY weekend, I was happy to get so much done but it physically WORE me out!!!!! Saturday my mom and grandma came over and helped me do some "deep cleaning", we got a lot done and my grandma is so wonderful!! She went and bought us a new entertainment stand and some new mini blinds for some of our windows that were old and looking wore out. So, that inspired my husband to finally do some things in the living room that I have been wanting done and we rearranged all our furniture and he went and bought me a new light and clock for the living room!!!! We still have much to do but we are finally getting there, I have been living in a house for the past year that has had half painted walls and a ugly drywall ceiling with a half empty living room! It is finally looking much better and hopefully this weekend we will get ALOT more done!

Unfortunately today I have a horrible cold and sore throat!!!! I haven't felt like this in looong time. I can't wait to go home and crawl back into bed but that won't be until late since it is my night to work late.

Well, I gotta run - I'll be back shortly!!
The Will Of God Will Never Take You
Where The Grace Of God Will Not Protect You
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