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Old 01-12-2008, 05:00 PM
simplyme simplyme is offline
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Originally Posted by Stephen Hoover View Post
OK, This is the place to share something stupid you have done.

This is a chance to laugh at yourself a bit - AND - allow others to join in!


Well... we had this ice storm about a month ago... major ice!

The stuff was about 1/2" thick! All my cars are parked outside in the drive, and I was trying to figure the best method for removing the ice...

So, I get my rubber mallet...

Just thump the ice a couple times and it pops right off! I really got into it. In about 30 minutes I had cleared three vehicles.

So..... about a week later I started noticing what appeared to be hail damage on the minivan...

Closer inspection shows the hailstorm got ALL THREE VEHICLES!!

I don't get it. *about the hail what does it have to do with removing the ice*?
Sooo that makes ME the village idiot, I guess., and don't everyone agree with me this once.
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