Originally Posted by Neckstadt
Keith, I know Jenny Miller. Shs is an awesome lady. One of the true saints of God who has lived her convictions and has a great annointing.
When she came into the church some years ago.
She had a friend who is a great lady in the church I attended in WI for some 27 years.
I now attend a church in Racine not affiliated with the UPCI.
Jenny and this lady came into the church around the same time.
They both came from bad marriages and their husbands would not put up with the church.
Jenny then went through a situation where her company laid off a large number of folks.
She took her retirement savings and took a package.
She sold everything she had and joined the mission field.
She is a treasure for sure in the Kingdom of God.
She know's who I am....
She was such a classy lady and dresser back in the early 1980's...
I know she is now in China and still doing great things....
I have never met her only the first hand stories, by those that she won, my understand is that she is winning many people in China, dock workers I believe. Last report she has baptized a # of trinitarian pastors.