Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
Perhaps because some have said that the way the new fellowship is structured no one will really need to be "drawn" out or really leave ...
If this premise is true that one can be part of both fellowships indefinitely and many cons choose this option ... then it would make sense that the new fellowship would be able to orchestrate a more mobilized and unified conservative agenda even w/ in the UPCI.
The political climate could then be affected by outside forces still influential within.
Does this make sense?
From what I understand, it is the intent of the Tulsa men to allow for two levels of membership in the new fellowship--one being credentialed membership, and the other being more of just a fellowship status, allowing the minister to hold credentials with the UPC still.
However, my opinion is that this kind of set up won't last forever.
Knowing the nature of men and organizations, I think eventually there will be a push to either fish or cut bait. I don't think the either-or option can remain workable forever. But again, that is just my opinion.
Feelings are too strong on both sides of the divide. One or the other is going to move eventually to curtail having your cake and eating it too, I think.
But that's just my predicition, and what do I know?