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Old 12-08-2007, 08:19 AM

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Johnny and his family had been attending the church for almost a year when Billy’s doctors told Johnny that Billy would most surely die if he didn’t have an operation right away. Billy’s scoliosis had progressed to a point where a simple fall could cause his ribs to puncture his lungs, causing almost instant death. Unfortunately, the doctors only gave Billy a 5% chance of surviving the surgery. The news went through the church like a wild fire. Billy’s birthday was the day before he was to leave for the hospital, so plans were quickly made to give Billy the best birthday party ever. More than 30 adults and 42 children showered Billy with so many presents that Billy grew exhausted before he could open them all. So, they were packed into the cars of several of the members and taken to Billy’s house for him to have when he returned from the hospital.

The next morning at 8, twelve members of the church met at Billy’s house to pray for him before he left for the hospital, three hours away. Most of the twelve had planned on traveling to the hospital with Billy and his family, but circumstances had caused them to have to change their plans. All except one, that is.

Sherrell had been looking forward to the trip, especially as the others who were to go were friends. However, when she learned that none of her friends would be going, she decided not to go as well, not because she couldn’t, but because she didn’t want to be there alone with Johnny and his family. She was afraid that people at the hospital would think she was part of his family, and that just wouldn’t do. But God had something else in mind.

The night before Johnny’s family was to leave for the hospital, Sherrell was awakened from a deep sleep. In her mind, she heard the words, “The demons are rejoicing.” Lying in the dark, still only half awake, the words came again, “The demons are rejoicing.” “What does that mean?” she thought to herself. Then, “God, if you are trying to tell me something, I don’t understand.” Again she heard, “The demons are rejoicing.” “Why are they rejoicing?” she asked, not really expecting an answer. But the answer that came sent her reeling. “The demons are rejoicing because you have decided not to go, so there will be no one to stand in the gap for Johnny and his family.” Shaken to the bone, Sherrell knew there was only one thing she could do, and that was to go with Johnny and his family to the hospital even if no one else went with them. But just to make sure that no one would think that she was part of Johnny’s family, Sherrell decided that she would carried her biggest bible and make sure that everyone knew that she was there to minister to the family, and not a part of it.

It was the morning of Billy’s surgery. The church had opened at 5 a.m. so that people could come in and pray for Billy. Already there were several there, waiting to get in. At the hospital, Johnny was carrying Billy from the car towards the hospital, when all of a sudden Billy said, “No, daddy. Want to go home.” Although Billy had just turned 6, this was the first time he had spoken more than one word at a time. Johnny was so surprised and happy at this new development that he just beamed as he told Billy that they would go home soon, but first they had to see the doctor.

The surgery went better than anyone could have hoped. The doctors were simply brimming over with cheer as they described how well Billy had done. Sherrell decided that with the doctor’s good prognosis for Billy, she would go on home to be with her own family.

The next morning word came that Billy wasn’t doing nearly as well as he had been the day before. Instead of moving Billy to a room as the doctor’s had planned the day before, he would have to stay in intensive care. Johnny sounded so distraught while talking on the phone with Sherrell, that Sherrell decided to return to the hospital. This time she left her big bible at home and took a small, pocket bible instead.

When Sherrell arrived at the hospital, she was surprised to find that Johnny was being sought out by parents of other children who were in critical condition. Already he was being described as the little man who would pray for anyone who asked. Even doctors and nurses were stopping by, asking prayer for particular patients.

In spite of everything that the doctors could do, Billy continued to worsen. Sherrell remained at the hospital for days, doing what she could to comfort Johnny. Soon it was time for her to leave for a conference in Glorieta, New Mexico, where Henry Blackaby was teaching “Experiencing God, Knowing and Doing the Will of God.” Johnny knew that Sherrell had planned on going to the conference, and encouraged her to go, saying he felt that God had something special for her there. Sherrell was reluctant, but finally agreed to go.

The next morning as Sherrell was packing her suitcase, she had this overwhelming sensation that she should read the book of Daniel. In it, she read where the angel appeared unto Daniel, telling Daniel that his prayers had been heard from the first, but that the angel had been delayed by the prince of the kingdom of Persia for twenty-one days. (Dan. 10) Immediately, it was as if God was telling her that Johnny would receive an answer to his prayers for Billy on the twenty-first day. Hurriedly, she phoned Johnny to share the news with him, but Johnny was not nearly as excited as Sherrell was. Nevertheless, Sherrell left for Glorieta with a heart lighter than it had been in days.
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