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Old 11-30-2007, 09:32 PM
Minister_WD Minister_WD is offline
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Posts: 137
*T.L Craft: A further look into His Departure*

I think that it's a fair assessment to say, out of all the Men leaving over resolution 4,TLC's Departure is the most surprising to myself and most of the Brethren(at least the ones I've have spoken with).While I certainly respect Elder Craft's right to do as he wishes,quite honestly,I am hurt and dismayed over this one more than any of the major players that are spearheading the New Organization in Tulsa.

Since it was confirmed by Bro Epley and already discussed on a previous Thread,for the sake of discusion,I am going a step further to disclose a few other details of interest. My first concern is the conflict that this whole ordeal appears to be causing in families,more than one I might add. Chris Craft was offered the youth president, but flatly refused and said he would not be going to Tulsa.
Secondly,is it really Christ-like to recruit ministers for this new organization and try to convince them to leave the UPC? Brethren, is it right to entice men of influence by offering positions,perhaps for the sake of gaining others? TLC has been offered the Overseer position for 2009 if he would sign on as 7th name. They are calling people and offering positions like crazy.
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