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Old 11-26-2007, 08:42 PM
Carpenter Carpenter is offline
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Originally Posted by Ms. LPW View Post
Please don't turn this thread into another one of "those" threads...

unless that is what the starter of the thread intended.

Is it?
It is kind of interesting when I contrast young preachers with young sales- men out of college. They both want a new edge, to be better than the guy before him, they try sooooo bloomin hard and they end up being more annoying than anything else.

I get a kick out of a youngster telling me how hard life is, and all the miles, and all the tribulation...give me a break.

There is only one young man I heard recently who had a fresh approach and even then and greatfully so, you could see he gave honor to his heroes in the ministry by emulating them.

Bro. Royce Wilson is that guy.

As for innovative sermons, I have to admit there were a few guys out of JCM who were/are able to set up, build, structure, and deliver a tremendous sermon. It was obvious these guys did their time studying, thinking, researching and praying.

Bro. David Elms is one of those guys.
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