Has this board become utterly predictable and boring over the past couple of months?
I keep getting calls asking my why I'm not posting.
Well, it's simple. I don't see a whole lot that is interesting (other than the unverifiable gossip).
The Reckhart junk is old.
Who really gives a flyin' fajita who is leaving the mothership anymore?
We all know you guys are enjoying your Charismatic ultra-left-wing-liberal-anything-goes fanatic "Christianity" that allows you to drink, smoke, cuss, fuss, gossip, attend church AT THE MOST once a month, and laugh at everyone else who shows any signs of true Christian committment.
No one really knows what the OOPSEY (UPC) is gonna look like after Tulsa (I don't care what the California whackos say, like they know anything).
Anyway, enjoy yourselves while I go back under the bridge.