Originally Posted by Kutless
quoting from a recent perspective........."Its absolutely necessary for a pruning process to take place in order for a church to grow. Ithe first 8 verses of John 15, Jesus talk about fruit, more fruit, and much fruit. That process is the purging process, whereby God gets rid of the old so the new growth can come. Its very important that pastors and leaders understand what is taking place. A pastor or leader can intervene and actually stop this process because of his God-given authority. He may do this by justifying, by allowing things to go on that shouldn't and actually block God"
I'm really not sure what to think of this. The article is entitled "Pruning to bring forth much Fruit"
Any comments?
I remember hearing a pastor speak after he had lost a significant amount of people, and he said that he'd been grieving over the loss when the Lord spoke to him and said, "Don't grieve over those who have left, the ones that I want to stay can't leave, and the ones that I want to leave can't stay".
Within the next year, his church literally doubled in size, and it wasn't long after that that the troublemakers who had left came back and apologized, and were restored with the right spirit.