It is very foolish to continue posting his articles and mulling them over here at AFF. The man is obviously deranged. Reminds me of Godwin giving "Borat" the mike down at the Mississippi camp. The guy is getting his jollies through your angst.
I also think it would be very foolish to think that Reckart is some lunatic fringe that represents only himself. This man is not an island. There are several posters on some of the forums I frequent who fit into his ideological box.
Men who are bent on the destruction of anyone who opposes their way of thinking. Men who are absolutely evil in their intentions, and have no Spirit of God living within them. Men who take joy in destroying reputations and lives. These men are wolves in clerical cloaks.
I know this is true because a few of those men have stretched forth their scaly hands towards me and my family over the past few months. Thankfully, their evil plan failed, but the idea that a supposed minister of the gospel would do such a thing is revolting.
Again, the man has a problem, and nothing good can come of consistently pointing people to his blog.