Thread: The LIE
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Old 11-01-2007, 07:18 PM
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Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop View Post
This is to some old timers and students of Oneness History.

I am not trying to get into a theological debate with these questions.
I can argue both theological positions very well - so I am not asking for scriptures to PROVE your position.
I KNOW your position and don't need any condescending remarks.
I know what the Creeds say and I know the definition of the Trinity from Trinitarian scholars.
If you can't answer the questions - That is OK!
If you can - please let's do this in a civil and a Christian manner.
I am an Apostolic. I was baptized in Jesus name as has been my wife and children. I have always baptized every person I have baptized - in the name of Jesus. I have never been a Trinitarian and have never preached or believed the Trinitarian doctrine of three persons in the Godhead even though I was raised and educated in what you call - A "Trinitarian" Church.

This is the premise of the questions:
I was born and raised as a Fourth generational Pentecostal student of biblical and religious history. I have studied history and religion all of my life. I was raised in a Pentecostal home & church. My Great Grandmother, Grandmother and Mother all had the Holy Ghost and I was filled at the age of 5. I was baptized the first time, "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost". The F/S/HG was praised and mentioned, but I can never remember anything remotely resembling a remark as - "We believe in Three God's". They did not even preach the Trinity - just baptized in the titles. I know theologically - they believed it - but they did not understand it nor preach it.
I have NEVER heard in my church, home, College or anywhere else from any "Trinitarian" that they believe in "Three God's".

I have heard over and over again from "Apostolics" - that "Trinitarians believe in Three God's". I believe this to be a lie.
This lie had to start somewhere with somebody. I want to know where and when and with who did it start. Here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When did the lie start that Trinitarians believe in Three God's?
Who told this lie to start with?
Where was this lie first preached?
What year was the lie first told or preached?
Did the lie begin in the UPC or Independent Oneness ranks?
Where did you hear this lie for the first time?

I partially agree with you and partially do not.

I would agree that a large portion of those who are called trinitarians, while having a very erroneous view of the Godhead, do not believe in three Gods--but that their theology does tend towards it in effect.

However, there is a portion of them that truly do believe in three Gods. Dr. David Jeremiah has said--and I heard him with my own ears--that the Holy Ghost is the "forgotten God."

Furthermore, looking in history, we can find many who truly did hold to a three God position.

Today, many trinitarians are neo-trinitarians in that they do not adhere to the old trinitarian theology. There are some that might even be called neo-oneness.

I believe the proper term for those who truly believe in three Gods would be "tritheists." Tritheism would be an absolute abomination in the sight of God.

The trinitarians differ as much in their theological view of the Godhead as we Oneness types do, whether we want to admit it or not. We have several prevalent streams of views, ranging from one extreme to the other.
Oh! That I may be found faithful!