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Old 10-30-2007, 03:15 PM
Elihu Elihu is offline
i will never forget

Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 151
Originally Posted by rkentsmith View Post

There is a kook fringe on both sides of the spectrum....
I'm surprised you agree, but thanks.

There are liberal psychos who believe anything goes, everybody is saved, and deer meat isn't venison. But they have never been in power in the UPCI. The difference is the radical right has been in power in the UPCI for a long, long time.

Everybody from the "magic hair" ladies to the "sports will kill you" kooks.

I'm sure they feel rejected right now, and I don't want to gloat, but I say it's about time the UPCI goes moderate. Let's go mainstream and show the world what biblical Christianity is all about.
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