Thread: I Need Prayer!!
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Old 10-29-2007, 09:05 PM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Originally Posted by Sherri View Post
Please pray that my heart is ok. I went in today for a routine blood pressure check and they found that my heart is beating in a very weird rhythm. I have some history of heart trouble from 2003, but God healed me at that time. I am wearing a Holter monitor (sp.) and had an EKG today that was abnormal. Tomorrow they are taking a bunch of blood and I turn in the monitor. I won't know any results until Monday of next week, because I will be out of the country. I don't feel bad, but the doctor acted so weird it kind of shook me a little.

The GOOD part is.....the nurse is going to come visit church; someone had already talked to her about it. The doctor and his wife have been talking about coming for four years and today he said that they will probably come to the early service this week or next. So maybe God just wanted me to spend a little more time in this doctor's office!!!!
I will pray right now...let us know
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