Thread: Geron Davis
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Old 10-24-2007, 07:21 AM
webe123 webe123 is offline
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As far as Geron Davis is concerned, I have gotten out all of my old cassette tapes and record LPs and put them on my computers hard drive, so that I can make CD's of them. I can still remember my pastor attending "because of the times" meetings at The Pentecostals of Alexandria in the 1980's and bringing back music tapes for us to listen to.

I have thee Davis/Pedigo albums (When he sang with his then wife becky Davis and Tim Pedigo , they formed a group called Davis/Pedigo)

I USED to have a bunch of "because of the times" music cassettes when he was the minister of music at The Pentecostals of Alexandria UPC church in the 1980's...but they fell apart!

He really did some fantastic tunes such as "Flame in the night" , " Walls come down", "Keep Believing" and a ton of others I wish I could have been able to keep! One that I WAS able to find and keep was "Watergrave" with Sis. Mickey Mangun singing and Geron and his band playing.

They also have this and other tunes when he was at the Pentecostals of Alexandria here at dianas site! If you want to hear some of the songs in the 1980's he did while he was at the Pentecostals of Alexandria...check it out. There are four web pages of older POA stuff, but you have to look for it, as they are scattered on the site.

A good friend of mine, Rod Milbourne helped Gerons dads church out for a little while, because they did not have a music minister. Gerons dad has a really nice church from what I am told.'

Looking at the picture on his website, he now sings with a group called "kindred souls"...I don't think he is UPC anymore.

Here is that site:
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