Thread: Gabby's
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Old 02-11-2007, 11:38 PM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Night ladies and gents....

Hope you all had a wonderful day

Well for the last of my saga which I will further spare yall from the details after this..... (I know yall have so got to be sick of hearing this mess as I am so sick of it all happening!!!) I made the mistake of going to church tonight... yep I said I was gonna go and ughhhhhh I did!!!! I have decided, well I knew I didnt want to go in the first place but I ran into my old friend this morning and she was in a big mess in her life (hahaha as if I needed anymore) so she called me this afternoon and wanted to go out tonight... so I did the best thing for me (see this is one of my old partying buds but also someone who I went to church with, so keeping away from temptation I suggested church) whoooooa was that the wrong thing!!!

Ick ok so I went to church and ended up babysitting and well... on and on it was just a mess... I am positive I am NOT supposed to visit this certain church because the last 4 times I have been there yep 4 sundays... something horrible has happened every time to where I havent gotten to be in service when I have went or well... every time I go it just gets worse and worse... So... where do I go... I am thinking I am gonna go find a good catholic church in the backwoods of some no where town out here in the middle of nuttin and hide on their back seat in the middle of their sat night mass and just say yep I went to church!!!! So thus ends my venture to find a church I can sorta call home until I find a home...

Oh and then I get home and my mother has managed to cut her leg (she has had one amputated and the other isnt in too good of shape) and is bleeding all over the place and has called my dad (who is in OK visiting my grandmother) and told him that I wouldnt bandage her leg because I wanted to go be with my friends (her leg wasnt bleeding when I left she was asleep in bed!!!!) so he calls me 3 times and I finally hear my phone and tell him and then rush home... get here and her leg is fine but........... She now says she cant breathe... so I check her pulse/ox level and its 98 which is fine... and I ask her what she wants to do... oh I think I might need to go to the er... I said fine lets go..... wasnt gonna get blamed for not caring again today nope.. then she says no I am ok and has been asleep ever since!!! EVERY time my dad leaves and leaves her here with me she does something or something happens to end up in the er.... I think she just wants me to feel like I havent done something right and its beginning to work.... grrrrrrr Oh well.. she will just have to wait because I told her she has made it thru this long I wll call her dr in the morning and drive her there myself and beat her over the head until she does have something wrong just because she made me take her there LOL... whew that felt better yep yep

My kids are so happy.. thats what makes this so hard.. my son has now met the new love of his life... my friends daughter was born 5 days before him and they have met again (havent seen each other since their last playdate when they were ummmm 3 yrs old LOL) and they are just gaga over each other (OMG) and then my 12 yr old has 2 girls her age that are homeschooled so she can be with them during the day while I am out houshunting... and my 8 yr old is praying for her next playdate with Rhoni's nieces and this ladys 8 yr old is so hyper my daughters exact words are mom.... I dont know what speed is but if its a drug, and I think it is.... She took way too much of it!!!!!!!!! ROFL!!!!! (needless to say my Jaid is the quiet one of the family lol)

So I am officially going to go take a pain pill and crawl in bed and pretend this evening didnt happen at all!!! Thank God I had a wonderful Morning with Rhoni and her family and my old family..... made tonight a little more bearable...

Ok I am done venting... nite yall and love you all hugs
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