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Old 10-05-2007, 06:36 PM
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Originally Posted by pelathais View Post

Would this be fair to say:

The vote of the corporate body in the 1970's went in a direction you agreed with. In 2007, the vote of the corporate body went in a direction you didn't agree with.

The votes in both cases I don't think the voting affected the way you preached or ministered.

I guess my point is, votes come and go - we agree and disagree with the outcomes. But except for the men who were forced out in the 1970's, no one was really affected directly by the votes.

The exception I guess would be those who were dissatisfied all along. Those who felt that the UPC had never done enough to combat "worldliness." Now this vote simply is a catalyst for them to do what they've been meaning to do all along. In which case, they weren't really affected by the vote either - just kind of prodded into action.
The vote of the 70's strengthened a stand already in effect; the one of 2007 weakened a stand already in existance.
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